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CSGS Seed Grant

The Center for the Study of Guns in Society Seed Grant program supports projects that examine the multifaceted significance of guns in society. Successful projects employ social science or creative interdisciplinary perspectives. We are excited by projects that engage topics such as: 

  • The culture and politics of armed self-defense
  • Gun violence and gun trauma
  • Guns, identity, and inequality
  • Gun markets and the gun industry
  • Social movements surrounding gun rights and/or gun control
  • Comparative/transnational approaches to guns in society
  • The intersection of guns, conservation, and environmental justice
  • Related topics grounded in social science methodologies

Seed grant projects must demonstrate intellectual merit, potential impact on scholarship or public impact, and strong prospects of receiving external funding. Seed grants fund 12 months of work either as an individual or team (up to $10,000). Seed grants are intended to develop a proof-of-concept project so that awardees can apply for external funds. Awardees are required to apply for external funding within two years of the start of the seed grant.

Note that the seed grants are intended for faculty working in social science, humanities or adjacent units; social science/humanities faculty in non-social science/humanities units; or teams that include at least one faculty working in social sciences and/or humanities. Faculty deploying a social science methodology are also encouraged to apply.

Please check back by September 18th, 2024 for FAQ and submission guidelines.

The application portal opens on November 15th, 2024 and closes on February 3, 2025. Decisions are anticipated by early April 2025.